Are you looking to learn, share knowledge, build community, contribute time or resources to SAYHU?

Here are some ways you can support SAYHU’s work:

  • Get involved in our community! - Join events and conversations and introduce yourself become part of the community. Invite others who you think would want to join us.

  • Volunteer - Reach out to us and we can match you with tasks, projects, and responsibilities in your area of interest that support our work.

  • Build our Network - Help us to connect with other social justiced-minded South Asians in Texas who would want to know about SAYHU and be part of this community. Share our info with folks you know and invite young people to our summer institute.

  • Donate art supplies and office supplies - Do you have extra supplies and materials that you’ve been meaning to use but have just been lying around? Donate them to us and we will use them for our interactive workshops and team-building activities, such as markers, post-It notes, large and small, paper, markers, stickers, etc.

  • Donate books - We have built a lending library, stored at the homes of our community members that can be accessed throughout the year and during our summer institute. We’re looking for novels, academic texts, and graphic novels about South Asian experience. See our wishlist for other books and suggest others for reading and lending.

  • Donate space - Do you have the perfect space for community gathering and no one to share it with? SAYHU can use it! Help us identify spaces where we can get together (15-20 people) and even host our summer institute (25-40 people) or our Summit (75-150 people).

  • Donate funds - Support our work, our organizing projects, our popular education, internship programs and more. Reach out us to us about making a tax deductible donation. Thank you!

You can also connect with us on social media @sayhutx and subscribe to our newsletter - links below. Or reach out to us directly via email at at